
Wellness Week at BSI & Bell Let’s Talk Day

During the week of January 23rd-27th, our school will focus on Wellness as Bell Let’s...

Anti-Bullying Presentation at BSI

On January 25th we will  welcome Ms. Kuperman who will lead an engaging Anti-Bullying presentation. ...

BSI Student Symposium

Our Student Symposium will be working on some wellness artifacts which will be displayed in...

Blessed Scalabrini Advent Mass

Our Advent Mass will be held on Thursday, December 22nd, 2022 with Father Carlos. Parents...

Christmas Message to our Families

  We hope you and your family create many memories over the Christmas break.  It...

JK/SK Kindergarten Registrations 2023-2024

Just a sharing of information with regards to Kindergarten registration for 2023-2024 school year.  Registration...