
News Stories

Christmas Spirit Week


During the week of December 18th -December 22, our school will be engaged in some theme days:

Monday December 18th-Decked Out for Christmas: You can wear your holiday accessories (e.g., antlers, Santa hats, festive socks etc.,)

Tuesday December 19th-Advent Mass at Paschal Baylon at approximately 9:45 am.  Parents are welcome.   Red & White Day. Afternoon Movie day in ... Continue reading "Christmas Spirit Week"


Advent Mass at Paschal Baylon Church

On Tuesday, December 19th our school will be celebrating Advent Mass at Paschal Baylon Church at approximately 10 am.  Father Ezio  and the Grade 8 class will lead us as a community rooted in faith.  Parents are welcome to join us.

Bully Prevention Week Learnings

During the week of November 20th-24th, guided by Gospel Values and Catholic Virtues, we remain centered in Christ’s message of inclusion and treating one another with care and respect. 

On November 20th, our classes will participate in a learning invitation with Principal Rodrigues which centers on bringing awareness and understanding to our students as we work towards a kinder world. Students are encouraged ... Continue reading "Bully Prevention Week Learnings"


Intermediate Girls & Boys Volleyball Teams Advance to Area Finals!

On November 8th, our Boys Intermediate Volleyball team demonstrated the Skyhawk commitment to excellence  at Our Lady of the Rosary.  They achieved first place status and will advance to the  Area Finals on November 22nd.  Thank you to our coaches who prepared the team!

On November 9th our Girls Volleyball team visited St.Joseph the Worker and participated in fierce games which showcased their ... Continue reading "Intermediate Girls & Boys Volleyball Teams Advance to Area Finals!"


Restorative Circle School Assembly

On October 27th, 2023 the school gathered to participate in a Restorative Circle.  Led by Principal Rodrigues and the Student Council Symposium.  A variety of contexts were  explored, employing restorative justice practices to ensure an inclusive culture of care in our school.