
News Stories


Terry Fox Day

Students at Blessed Scalabrini  will participate in our  annual Terry Fox Walk/Run for Cancer Research on September 20, 2022.  On this day, we walk/run in remembrance of Terry, who aimed to make a cross Canada trek to raise funds for cancer research to find a cure.  We join other schools across Canada as we walk/run with pride to honour Terry Fox, a great Canadian hero! ... Continue reading "Terry Fox Day"


Curriculum Night at Blessed Scalabrini

We look forward to meeting you at our Curriculum Night on Thursday, September 22, 2022 (6:00-7:00 pm). This is an opportunity for teachers to share an overview of their curriculum for the year.  The intention of the evening is a general introduction, and is not intended for formal parent interviews.  There will be a formal interview evening later in the Term 1.    ... Continue reading "Curriculum Night at Blessed Scalabrini"


Anaphylaxis in YCDSB Schools

The YCDSB has a policy to protect students with life threatening allergies. Parents are asked to inform the school of such allergies immediately and and are required to complete “Administration of Medication for Anaphylactic Student” forms which are available at the school office. 

Students for whom an Epipen has been prescribed must carry one at all times,  and keep another in the school ... Continue reading "Anaphylaxis in YCDSB Schools"


Prayer for Our Blessed Scalabrini Community

We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday September 7, 2022, which is the first day of school for students.  As we embark on this journey together, let us pray for our Blessed Scalabrini families, and staff:

Gracious God, as we come to you at the beginning of this academic year with our many feelings, expectations, and hopes help us to remember and ... Continue reading "Prayer for Our Blessed Scalabrini Community"


See You in September!

We can hardly wait!  Looking forward to welcoming back to school our students on Wednesday, September 7, 2022.  A gentle reminder that supervision begins at 8:45 a.m, and the morning entry bell is at 9:00 a.m.

Communication of Classroom teacher

You will be notified of your child’s teacher via School Messenger  prior to the school start date. 

Bus Transportation ... Continue reading "See You in September!"