
News Stories

2023-24 YCDSB Budget Survey

The York Catholic District School Board (YCDSB) is committed to the effective and efficient management of resources. Our goal is to ensure fiscal accountability while minimizing impacts on our classrooms and continuing to support student success and well-being in a Catholic learning environment. 

To better inform our financial planning, we hope you will  tell us your priorities for the 2023-2024 school year budget. ... Continue reading "2023-24 YCDSB Budget Survey"

Special Guests Visit Blessed Scalabrini

On November 30th, we welcomed Trustee Wigston, Trustee Grella, and Superintendent Chiutsi to Blessed Scalabrini.  Members from the Student Symposium led the guided tour of our school, sharing our mission of “Creating Culture of Care & Excellence”.  They provided a personalized greeting card with the itinerary of the afternoon, as well as a welcome message for each of our esteemed visitors.                                     

Christmas Read Aloud & Singalong

On December 22,  our Grade 6 class led a Christmas read aloud with various Christmas songs embedded in the narrative.  The school community was invited to join in the songs.  It was an afternoon filled with Christmas cheer and delight.