
News Stories


Catholic School Council Nominees 2024-2025

Dear Parents & Guardians of the Blessed Scalabrini community

Thank you to the 2024 -2025 nominees who have declared their candidacy for an elected position as a parent/guardian representative on the Catholic School Council. Each candidate was asked to write a brief biography. On Tuesday October 1, 2024 at 6:30 pm, the 2023-2024 Council will be dissolved and the council for this ... Continue reading "Catholic School Council Nominees 2024-2025"


Blessed Scalabrini Dress Code

At Blessed Scalabrini, there is a Standardized Dress Code where items can be purchased at any local retailer.  Spirit wear with the Skyhawk logo is also part of our standardized dress code.  Spirit wear can be worn at any time. Blessed Scalabrini Spirit Wear  e-store:



BSI Spirit Wear 2024

Dear Blessed Scalabrini Families:

We are pleased to continue our partnership with Varsity Canada! We are very excited this year to offer the opportunity to purchase Blessed Scalabrini Spirit Wear through our dedicated E-store. This is a yearly opportunity to promote our school spirit and adheres to our school uniform policy. Our intention is to foster a community school spirit with all students, ... Continue reading "BSI Spirit Wear 2024"


BSI Cell Phone Policy

Dear Parents/Guardians,

In alignment with the recently introduced Ministry of Education policy memorandum, the Provincial Code of Conduct has been updated to address the use of cellphones and other personal mobile devices as outlined in PPM 128. These revisions are designed to restrict the use of all personal mobile devices during instructional time in both elementary and secondary classrooms in ... Continue reading "BSI Cell Phone Policy"


June Skyhawk News

We hope you are keeping well as we approach the close of this school year. Some school information to share with you.

Moving from Blessed Scalabrini

Please advise the office if your family is moving to another area and not returning to Blessed Scalabrini in September 2024.

PA Days 

There will be a PA day tomorrow Friday  ... Continue reading "June Skyhawk News"


BSI Catholic Education Week and Mental Health Week

This year’s Catholic Education Week (May 6- May 10, 2024)  theme is We Are Called to Love it is also Mental Health Week and to celebrate this theme:

                                                                           As People of Hope:   

Monday May 6th:   Catholic Education Week  Liturgy at 10:45 am led by the  Grade 2  class (in the gymnasium, parents are welcome)

                              1:00 ... Continue reading "BSI Catholic Education Week and Mental Health Week"


Terry Fox 2023

Thank you to our families for raising 319.60 for our Terry Fox Run/Walk in the fall of 2023.  We remain committed to Terry’s mission to find a cure for all cancers.



Black Heritage Month

On February 1st we begin Black Heritage Month. Black Heritage goes beyond a month, and we will continue to work towards building diversity and equity here at Blessed Scalabrini.   Students will participate in daily learning invitations about Black Excellence .  Through stories and videos, our Skyhawks will celebrate these journeys.  We look forward to our Canadian Woman Icons Exhibition at our school on February 13, ... Continue reading "Black Heritage Month"


BSI Spiritwear

We are pleased to introduce our partnership with Varsity Canada! We are very excited this year to offer the opportunity to purchase Blessed Scalabrini Spirit Wear through our dedicated E-store.  Our intention is to foster a community school spirit with all students, staff and families and bring a heightened awareness in our communities around our school pride! 

Our campaign for 2024 starts today ... Continue reading "BSI Spiritwear"


Primary Musical Showcase

Parents are invited to enjoy an afternoon of musical talent.  Our Primary classes will be showcasing their talents in the gymnasium on Wednesday, December 20th, 2023 at 1:15pm


Advent Mass at Paschal Baylon Church

On Tuesday, December 19th our school will be celebrating Advent Mass at Paschal Baylon Church at approximately 10 am.  Father Ezio  and the Grade 8 class will lead us as a community rooted in faith.  Parents are welcome to join us.


Intermediate Girls & Boys Volleyball Teams Advance to Area Finals!

On November 8th, our Boys Intermediate Volleyball team demonstrated the Skyhawk commitment to excellence  at Our Lady of the Rosary.  They achieved first place status and will advance to the  Area Finals on November 22nd.  Thank you to our coaches who prepared the team!

On November 9th our Girls Volleyball team visited St.Joseph the Worker and participated in fierce games which showcased their ... Continue reading "Intermediate Girls & Boys Volleyball Teams Advance to Area Finals!"


Restorative Circle School Assembly

On October 27th, 2023 the school gathered to participate in a Restorative Circle.  Led by Principal Rodrigues and the Student Council Symposium.  A variety of contexts were  explored, employing restorative justice practices to ensure an inclusive culture of care in our school.  


October is IWALK Month

Please help us encourage our students to walk our kids to school throughout October. 

Celebrate active modes of transportation like walking and wheeling along with other students and staff across Ontario during IWALK Month, which officially kicks off on Wednesday, October 4.  International Walk to School Month (IWALK) is an annual celebration of active transportation that takes place around the world ... Continue reading "October is IWALK Month"


Terry Fox Run & Walk Update

Your dedication to motivate our students with Terry’s story of hope is greatly appreciated. As a school, we  raised $319.60 from both online and cash donations.  Thank you families for supporting this important cause.  


New Catholic School Council 2023-2024

Thank you to our newly formed Catholic School Council for their  commitment and time to continue to support our school mission of “Creating Cultures of Care & Excellence”.
Committee members can be found under the ‘Catholic School Council ‘ tab at the top of the school website.  In that tab, meeting dates are posted to the right of the school website ... Continue reading "New Catholic School Council 2023-2024"

CSC Nominees 2023-2024

Dear Parents/Guardians of the Blessed Scalabrini community,

Thank you to the 2023-24 nominees who have declared their candidacy for an elected position as a parent/guardian representative on the Catholic School Council. Each candidate was asked to write a brief biography.

On Tuesday Sept. 26th 2023, the 2022-2023 at 6:30 pm our council will be dissolved and the council for ... Continue reading "CSC Nominees 2023-2024"


BSI Curriculum Night 2023

We look forward to meeting you at our Curriculum Night on Thursday, September 21, 2023 from 6:00-7:00 pm. This is an opportunity for teachers to share an overview of their curriculum for the year. ways the virtual learning environment is being used, and other learning opportunities.

The intention of the evening is a general introduction, and is not intended for formal ... Continue reading "BSI Curriculum Night 2023"


Catholic School Council Nominations

Dear Parents/Guardians, 

We are very grateful to the dedicated 2022-2023 Blessed Scalabrini Catholic School Council  members.  The council was committed to supporting our school to ensure that we would be a community where students grow in faith, pursue academic excellence, and enjoy learning in a safe, caring and inclusive environment. 

Catholic School Council members have a special commitment to their school. ... Continue reading "Catholic School Council Nominations"


Welcome Prayer

Hello Blessed Scalabrini families,

We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday September 5, 2023, which is the first day of school for students. As we embark on this journey together, we end with a prayer:

Gracious God, as we come to you at the beginning of this academic year with our many feelings, expectations, and hopes help us to remember ... Continue reading "Welcome Prayer"


Welcome Back to Blessed Scalabrini

It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to the 2023-2024  school year here at Blessed Scalabrini .  We hope you had an enjoyable summer break.

The return to school is an exciting time for staff, students and their families, and as we embark on this  school year journey, this time is accompanied by new-found energy and enthusiasm.  Our school community continues ... Continue reading "Welcome Back to Blessed Scalabrini"


Parent Engagement Night

 On Tuesday, April 18th, 2023 we are inviting our parents for an engaging in-person session to support our well-being & equity initiatives within our school community. The evening will take place between 6-7pm in the Library Commons. The focus is on building inclusivity in our school communities.  

Parents will:

Be inspired by personal stories from trained YouthSpeak presenters

Increase ... Continue reading "Parent Engagement Night"


Lenten Food Drive at Blessed Scalabrini

As we prepare our hearts for the joy of Easter Morning, the community of Blessed Scalabrini CES  will  be partnering with the Vaughan Food Bank to assist families in need during this season of  Lent. We will be participating in a Lenten Food Drive during the week of March 27th-31st.

Food Banks and Food Pantries across York Region are continuing to ... Continue reading "Lenten Food Drive at Blessed Scalabrini"


ShareLife at Blessed Scalabrini CES

Charitable giving to help people who are less fortunate is one of the ways we can foster these values in our students. Blessed Scalabrini is proud to announce it will be running a charitable campaign for ShareLife from Monday March 27th- Friday, March 31st, 2023. 

ShareLife is the charitable arm of the Archdiocese of Toronto. It supports more than 40 Catholic agencies that ... Continue reading "ShareLife at Blessed Scalabrini CES"


Wellness Week at BSI & Bell Let’s Talk Day

During the week of January 23rd-27th, our school will focus on Wellness as Bell Let’s Talk Day is honored on January 25th.  On Monday, January 23rd classes will participate in a meditation. On Tuesday January 26, students will create mandalas. A school-wide reflection activity will be offered on Wednesday, January 26th.  On Thursday January 26, our classes will select  an activity from a choice board ... Continue reading "Wellness Week at BSI & Bell Let’s Talk Day"


Anti-Bullying Presentation at BSI

On January 25th we will  welcome Ms. Kuperman who will lead an engaging Anti-Bullying presentation.  Powerful visual demonstrations, and audience engagement will  ignite students to reflect on how they, as leaders, can promote inclusivity and avoid exclusion of others.  Parents are welcome to join us in the gym at 1:20pm.


BSI Student Symposium

Our Student Symposium will be working on some wellness artifacts which will be displayed in the new Wellness Room.  They will continue to work with Ms. Rodrigues to support our four school pillars to continue to create  “Cultures of Care & Excellence”


JK/SK Kindergarten Registrations 2023-2024

Just a sharing of information with regards to Kindergarten registration for 2023-2024 school year.  Registration begins January 9th, 2022. 

The York Catholic District School Board offers:


Thank You for Supporting Holiday Heroes

Thank you for supporting our  York Regional Police Holiday Heroes Toy Drive, here at Blessed Scalabrini.  We were most appreciative of the donations received which will go directly to families in our  York Region community, who are in need.

Our Luke 4:18 Committee packed up the gift donations for pick up on Thursday, December 8th, 2022.  Holiday Heroes has been able to help ... Continue reading "Thank You for Supporting Holiday Heroes"


Santa’s Post Office

The Blessed Scalabrini Post Office will begin on Monday, December 5th through Wednesday, December 21st, 2022.  Students can purchase stamps from school at a cost of 25 cents each or 5 for $1.00.  Each classroom is in the midst of creating their own mailbox to receive Santa’s mail. All funds raised will go to ShareLife.



Christmas Spirit Week

During the week of December 19th -December 23, 2022, our school will be engaged in  Christmas theme days.  

Monday December 19th:  Red and Green Day

Tuesday December 20th: Christmas Accessory Day

Wednesday December 21st: Christmas Pajama and Movie Day

Thursday December 22nd: Christmas Sweater Day

Friday December 23rd: Board Game Day

We look ... Continue reading "Christmas Spirit Week"


Holiday Heroes at Blessed Scalabrini

Christmas time is around the corner and this Holiday season our school’s Luke 4:18 committee,  will be leading  the York Regional Holiday Heroes Campaign. This year marks the 27th anniversary of the Holiday Heroes campaign. Holiday Heroes has been able to change the lives of many families and make their Holiday season brighter. We know this year has been hard for everyone.  Covid-19 has affected ... Continue reading "Holiday Heroes at Blessed Scalabrini"


Bully Prevention Week Nov.21st-25th, 2022

The York Catholic District School Board believes that safe, caring and inclusive Catholic schools and school communities create and maintain healthy learning/working environments.  Guided by Gospel Values and Catholic Virtues, we remain centered in Christ’s message of inclusion and treating one another with care and respect.

Our school will be participating in activities that bring awareness and understanding to our students as we ... Continue reading "Bully Prevention Week Nov.21st-25th, 2022"


Progress Report Distribution

Our school will be delivering report cards electronically on Tuesday, November 15th (after 4:00 PM) via the Parent Portal.  

Parents are encouraged to sign-on to the Parent Portal in advance of November 15th, 2022 to ensure your username and password will allow access.  Please note that the Multimedia area of the Parent Portal is not visible until report cards are available electronically. ... Continue reading "Progress Report Distribution"


Pizza Hot Lunch

Thank you to our Catholic School Council for organizing the Hot Lunch for our students on Tuesday and Thursday each week.  If you are able to assist with preparations for the classrooms on these days, please contact the school.


October is iWalk Month

 Please help us encourage our students to walk to school throughout October.  Here is some more information about supporting this school initiative.

Let’s get Walking  

Celebrate active modes of transportation like walking and wheeling along with other students and staff across Ontario during IWALK Month.  International Walk to School Month (IWALK) is an annual celebration of active transportation that takes place ... Continue reading "October is iWalk Month"


National Truth & Reconciliation Week

September 26 – 30, 2022 is National Truth and Reconciliation Week.  The York Catholic District School Board communities , will recognize  the importance of this week by facilitating thoughtful engagement and reflection through Board supported activities and presentations.

Friday September 30, 2022 is Orange Shirt Day.  Staff and students are encouraged to wear orange

... Continue reading "National Truth & Reconciliation Week"

ShareLife Thank You

Thank you, families for your generous contributions towards ShareLife in  2021-2022.  The Archbishop of Toronto, Thomas Cardinal Collins, sent a letter of appreciation for our acts of kindness towards our neighbours in need.   As a school community we generously contributed $1.451.76 to ShareLife.

We express our deepest gratitude to you, our families, who have answered the call to help those in need. ... Continue reading "ShareLife Thank You"


Terry Fox Day

Students at Blessed Scalabrini  will participate in our  annual Terry Fox Walk/Run for Cancer Research on September 20, 2022.  On this day, we walk/run in remembrance of Terry, who aimed to make a cross Canada trek to raise funds for cancer research to find a cure.  We join other schools across Canada as we walk/run with pride to honour Terry Fox, a great Canadian hero! ... Continue reading "Terry Fox Day"


Curriculum Night at Blessed Scalabrini

We look forward to meeting you at our Curriculum Night on Thursday, September 22, 2022 (6:00-7:00 pm). This is an opportunity for teachers to share an overview of their curriculum for the year.  The intention of the evening is a general introduction, and is not intended for formal parent interviews.  There will be a formal interview evening later in the Term 1.    ... Continue reading "Curriculum Night at Blessed Scalabrini"


Anaphylaxis in YCDSB Schools

The YCDSB has a policy to protect students with life threatening allergies. Parents are asked to inform the school of such allergies immediately and and are required to complete “Administration of Medication for Anaphylactic Student” forms which are available at the school office. 

Students for whom an Epipen has been prescribed must carry one at all times,  and keep another in the school ... Continue reading "Anaphylaxis in YCDSB Schools"


Prayer for Our Blessed Scalabrini Community

We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday September 7, 2022, which is the first day of school for students.  As we embark on this journey together, let us pray for our Blessed Scalabrini families, and staff:

Gracious God, as we come to you at the beginning of this academic year with our many feelings, expectations, and hopes help us to remember and ... Continue reading "Prayer for Our Blessed Scalabrini Community"


See You in September!

We can hardly wait!  Looking forward to welcoming back to school our students on Wednesday, September 7, 2022.  A gentle reminder that supervision begins at 8:45 a.m, and the morning entry bell is at 9:00 a.m.

Communication of Classroom teacher

You will be notified of your child’s teacher via School Messenger  prior to the school start date. 

Bus Transportation ... Continue reading "See You in September!"

St. Scalabrini Welcomed to the YCDSB

On Friday, February 11, 2025, the Thornhill community gathered to celebrate the official renaming of Blessed Scalabrini CES to St. Giovanni Battista Scalabrini Catholic School. St. Scalabrini was canonized in October 2022, and the Thornhill school was excited to mark this incredible occasion for its namesake.

St. Scalabrini was the bishop of Piacenza, in northern Italy, from 1876

... Continue reading "St. Scalabrini Welcomed to the YCDSB"

YCDSB’s Multi-Year Financial Recovery Plan

Dear York Catholic District School Board Families,

The Board of Trustees and Senior Team are dedicated to the sound financial management of the money entrusted to us by the public. Unfortunately, the York Catholic DSB has faced several financial challenges in recent years, including declining school enrolment in our elementary schools, inadequate funding for special education, and rising transportation and IT infrastructure costs. ... Continue reading "YCDSB’s Multi-Year Financial Recovery Plan"

P.A. Day Disclosure: Friday, November 15, 2024

Friday, November 15, 2024, will be a P.A. Day in York Catholic District School Board (YCDSB) elementary and secondary schools.

In accordance with the Ministry of Education’s Regulation 304, “School Year Calendar, Professional Activity Days,” the YCDSB is providing the following summary of staff activities for the P.A. Day on Friday, November 15, 2024.

Parent-Teacher Interviews At the

... Continue reading "P.A. Day Disclosure: Friday, November 15, 2024"

P.A. Day Disclosure: Monday, October 21, 2024


Monday, October 21, 2024, will be a P.A. Day in York Catholic District School Board (YCDSB) elementary and secondary schools. 

In accordance with the Ministry of Education’s Regulation 304, “School Year Calendar, Professional Activity Days,” the YCDSB is providing the following summary of staff activities for the P.A. Day on Monday, October 21, 2024.  

... Continue reading "P.A. Day Disclosure: Monday, October 21, 2024"